In primary deviance, they “involve norm violations or crimes that have very little influence on the actor and can be quickly forgotten” (Siegel, 253). Secondary deviance though, “occurs when a deviant event comes to the attention of significant others or social control agents who apply a negative label” (Siegel, 253). For instance, John works as a stock broker and has figured out a way to manipulate stocks and he wants to so that he can get that promotion! So, John fulfills his desires, manipulates and no one notices, consequently, he receives a promotion, goes on with his life and can continue making money, the legal way. That is considered primary deviance. However, if John is caught manipulating the stock market, is arrested for felony fraud, he is then forever banned from working for the stock market and likely to spend many years behind bars and called a fraud. He is no longer able to get a job when he exits prison because he is a felon and because he is now a ‘fraud’. He then spirals out of desperation into behaviors with antisocial patterns. This is what is considered secondary
In primary deviance, they “involve norm violations or crimes that have very little influence on the actor and can be quickly forgotten” (Siegel, 253). Secondary deviance though, “occurs when a deviant event comes to the attention of significant others or social control agents who apply a negative label” (Siegel, 253). For instance, John works as a stock broker and has figured out a way to manipulate stocks and he wants to so that he can get that promotion! So, John fulfills his desires, manipulates and no one notices, consequently, he receives a promotion, goes on with his life and can continue making money, the legal way. That is considered primary deviance. However, if John is caught manipulating the stock market, is arrested for felony fraud, he is then forever banned from working for the stock market and likely to spend many years behind bars and called a fraud. He is no longer able to get a job when he exits prison because he is a felon and because he is now a ‘fraud’. He then spirals out of desperation into behaviors with antisocial patterns. This is what is considered secondary