Name: Roselyn Custodio Dana Joy Gayosa
Date: November 13, 2013
Engr. Jennifer B. Igat Instructor
Safety Rules in the Laboratory
1. Never work alone in the laboratory. You should only work in the laboratory while under the laboratory while under the supervision of your instructor and with your assigned class.
2. You should prepare for each laboratory lesson by reading all instructions before you come to class. Follow all directions and review with your instructor the safety precautions needed to conduct the experiment safely before you begin. Only materials and equipment authorized by your instructor should be used.
3. Everyone should be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory. Take care not to bump another student, and remain in your laboratory station while performing an experiment. An unattended experiment can produce an accident.
4. Proper safety apparels, such as goggles and everyone should wear gloves when performing experiments that require precaution.
5. Your apparel should be appropriate for laboratory work. Long hanging necklaces, bulky jewelry, and excessive and bulky clothing should not be worn in the laboratory. Cotton clothing is preferred over nylon, polyesters or wool.
6. Only laboratory manual and laboratory notebooks are permitted in the working areas. Other books, purses and such items should be placed in your desk or storage area.
7. Eating, drinking and smoking are strictly prohibited inside the laboratory.
8. Extreme caution should be exercised when using a burner. Keep your head and clothing away from the flame and turn off when not in use.
9. You should know the proper fire drill procedures and the locations of fire exits.
10. Work areas and equipment should be kept clean at all times.