Types of international labor migration and its causes
Mass migration has become one of the characteristic phenomena of the world community the second half of the XX century. Population migration is the movement of people across borders of certain areas with a change of residence or return to it. International ( external) migration exists in different forms: work, family , recreation , tourism , etc. In this chapter , basically, will focus on issues of international labor migration , the international labor market . International labor migration in the second half of the XX century has become an important part of the process of internationalization of the international economic life. Labor potential , being the most important factor of production, is looking for his best use not only in the framework of the national economy, but also in the scope of the international economy. International labor market covers multidirectional flow of labor across national borders.
International labor market brings together national and regional labor markets . International labor market is in the form of labor migration. At the beginning of 1995 there were an estimated more than 35 million migrant workers against 3, 2 million in 1960. If we assume that each migrant - worker has three dependents