It is worthy that I was aware of the importance of communication and this situation highlighted the consequences of how a lack of leadership, communication and trust could impact the dynamics of caring for a patient in a emergency situation (ref).
This incident was a great learning curve for me as it reiterated the fact that I did not want to be a stressed and panicked nurse like my preceptor. I observed how quick the nurse must act in an emergency however not too fast as it can contribute to clinical errors/Misapprehension –(maybe this paragraph should be in conclusion) …show more content…
Analysis sense of situation What was really going on, as opposed to what you may have perceived?
What should have happened???
The incident occurred with what should have been a standard case of dealing with sepsis. However through inadequate communication, lack of planning and panic it could have developed into a severe case of sepsis. The sepsis 6 bundle could have been used in this situation …. (artifact) This is an important tool for the implementation of the necessary steps required to treat sepsis rapidly and within the subsequent three or six hours following the integration of this care bundle (HSE 2014). This would have enabled us to focus on delivering the appropriate/essential interventions to treat sepsis.
According to…(ref). It was found that there was a reduction in patient mortality on wards that have had a good compliance of integrating this care bundle.
The sepsis six bundle is recommended and supported by the HSE (hse 2014) therefore I believe it nurses should integrate this vital as… when managing sepsis.
I was also going to bring in communication/confidence. Do preceptors doubt students ability in an emergency
Conclusion how well did you think you managed the situation overall? What else could you have done in the situation? In future, I will also, I will aim
Having critically reflected on this I now know the necessary medical interventions for a patient suffering from sepsis requires immediate approach and confidence-based steps. This incident highlighted the importance of the nurse to adopt a calm and coherent approach to managing emergency situations effectively. The greatest challenge for me was my initial feelings of fear and doubt.
However these feelings where provoked through my preceptors persona of dealing with the situation.
I believe that had we used the sepsis six bundle it would have reduced the communication difficulties with my preceptor as it would have given me clear focus on the method of treating sepsis. I also believe that it may have reduced the tension instigated by my preceptor. Therefore my confidence wouldn’t have been inhibited.
I believe that had I a greater confidence in my ability to perform and more experience in a emergency situation it would have reduced the communication barrier with my preceptor
I got immense learning from this incident. The standard procedure of dealing with sepsis was effectively learned and the necessary communication approaches were highlighted.
I could further enhance my learning through…
The sepsis six bundle is a necessary…
Through this experience I have learned the importance of having a positive attitude. Ref…
Action Plan if it done again what id do
In future I would like to handle such situations with a positive and confident approach. (why)The more learning through managing such emergency situations will enable a better coherent and confident approach.
In future I will be more conscious of practicing my assertive skills when dealing with a situation where interventions must be sought quickly.
I will be sure to use/integrate the sepsis six bundle as it provides a clear pathway to treat sepsis and may prevent communication difficulties between my preceptor and me.
I will integrate reflection to my learning. (Ref) As reflection is a key way in which we learn from our actions.