
Lady Macbeth Polar Opposites

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Lady Macbeth Polar Opposites
After reading Act One of The tragedy of Macbeth we can see that Lady Macbeth are indeed polar opposites. In act one we can see that the two are different so let us discuss the differences and similarities of Macbeth and his wife we witness in act one.Lady Macbeth seems to be more bold and stronger mentally than her husband while he is more of the second guessing type who thinks more than his wife who seems to not rethink and knows what she wants. In Act 1 we see that Lady Macbeth wants King Duncan dead but is doubting that her husband Macbeth can do it and when it comes to what the witches are sayings Lady Macbeth seems to just go with it instead of thinking if they are trustworthy but Macbeth is lacking trust of what the three witches are

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