It is midnight right now. I am reminiscing what has occurred today. My foolish husband has created a sight of which I did not know how to handle. Macbeth spoiled pleasure time the guests were enjoying. He says he has seen thee ghost of Banquo. Is it the guilt of being involved in Banquo and Duncan’s murderer making him have delusions? Or, is he scared that someone knows about the deed? I told him once that the deeds not be thought as for it will make us mad. Did he not listen? Certainly he didn’t!
I was forced to declare to our noble guests that his health is not well and to pay no attention to what he is saying for his illness is worsening. I hope our worthy friends believed my lie. For tomorrow I will be obligated to answers questions. What should my respond be? That my loving husband has seen thee ghost of Banquo? That he is the one who has plotted his death?
He is not a man. My own husband is to coward and fragile to be a real man. If he were, he would not have performed the way he did today in the palace. I myself, a woman with no heart have married someone who only thinks with his heart, not his brains. I believed his scheme to kill Banquo made him a man. He finally had power and as for I did not have to be the husband in this loving relationship. My belief had no use. He once again proves that he is not a man! I suppose I will become mad by thinking of not the deed, but about how unintelligent my husband is.
Let the day end, and I will seek for tomorrow and be prepared for the inquiries I must have responses to.
Yours truly, Lady MacBeth