An introduction to Organismal biology
Midterm examination
Worth either 15% or 20% of your final grade
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Part A: Multiple choice questions
20 points (1 point/question)
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gene flow.
b. mutation.
c. adaptation.
X d. genetic drift.
e. natural selection.
MM.2. Which of the following ideas proposed by Lamarck was NOT included in Darwin's theory?
a. Organisms change in response to their environments.
X b. Changes that an organism acquires during its lifetime are passed to its offspring.
c. All species change with time. d . Changes are passed from one generation to the next.
MM.3. The concept of uniformitarianism _____.
a. was proposed by James Hutton
X b. states that the processes that formed the Earth continue to occur in the present time
c. implies that the Earth must be thousands of years old
d. does not apply to biological evolution
MM.4 Variation is not preserved by _____.
a. diploidy
b. heterozygote advantage
c. varying environments
X d. inbreeding
MM.5 The number of major taxonomic categories in the present classification system.
a. Five
b. Four
X c. Seven
d. Six
X e. …show more content…
chain, representing the linking of all species
b. ladder, representing the increase in complexity of organisms farther up the ladder
X c. tree, showing the branching of species from each other
d. net, showing multiple relationships among organisms
MM.16 Charles Darwin’s eventual role on the Beagle was to _______.
a. assist the ship in its surveying mission
b. develop the theory of evolution
c. collect evidence to support the theory of evolution
X d. serve as a naturalist
MM.17 Why was Darwin and Wallace's theory of evolution by natural selection revolutionary?
a. It proved that individuals acclimated to their environment over time.
b. It was the first time a biologist had proposed that species changed through time.
c. It implied that England's economy would improve if the monarchy were eliminated.
X d. It dismissed the idea that species are constant and emphasized the importance of variation and change in populations.
MM.18 The fossil Archaeopteryx _____.
X a. shows an intermediate structure between birds and dinosaurs
b. proves that birds could not have evolved from dinosaurs
c. proves that birds evolved from dinosaurs
d. was proved to be a fake
MM.19 Which scientist is considered to be the first student of natural history, the study of the variety