My second “Habits of Mind” skill I readily use is persistence; I can be dogmatic in my approach to success. This skill comes from a successful military career. I do not use the word can’t it is not in my vocabulary. I spent thirty years in the military all over the world because of this I was unable to complete my college degree. However it was always a goal I knew I would accomplish. I am now here to complete my goal.
Now in all honesty I must expound on what I need to develop out of the eight habits I think I need to explore “Creativity” not that I am not creative but my military experience molded my state of mind for many years. I am still adjusting to civilian life and the freedom that it brings. This is a work in progress and knowing a weakness gives you the knowledge base to change and diversify my skills in the needed areas.
In conclusion I am enjoying my college years and I am able to focus on the experience in its entireity because I am an older