Dr. J. Onega
English 093
19 March, 2013
Positive causes and effects about a new language. Learning and speaking multiple languages is beneficial in a fact paced world. Some people learn other languages in order to effectively communicate with people and businesses in other countries. In addition, students in China must learn one or two languages such as English or Mandarin in order to improve their education. I know from experience, learning a foreign language is not as easy as one might think. It takes time, good study habits, dedication, and patience. Speaking multiple languages is not only allows us to communicate with others. It can also improve our way of life. What would cause you to want to learn another language? If you travel to other countries, having the ability to speak the language is often essential especially in business or trade. Speaking a second or third language fluently can also increase your opportunities for better jobs or career advancement. Speaking a foreign language also gives an advantage in the competitive job market over someone who only speaks English. Therefore, a person’s life is improved because he or she is most likely to be hired for a job because of his or her knowledge of a foreign language. What are the positive effects of speaking another language? Knowing another language can help people to develop a greater understanding of other’s traditions and cultures. If an employee knows numerous languages, he or she will be able to understand the foreign customers and will be able to help them with anything they require. In addition, people can solve cross cultural and social problems when they can speak the same language. Most companies even prefer to send a person to another country for business purposes if he or she knows the official language of that country. It makes communication so much easier. Children naturally learn a different language faster than an adult. According to the American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages, small children achieve greater confidence as they go along, and gain the ability to communicate with people outside their immediate language group. Although children tend to learn languages more quickly than adults, there is no age limit on learning. Both children and adults experience anxiety when learning something new, whether it is another language or mathematics. As an adult, learning a new language is like an exercise for the brain. Research indicates this mental workout strengthens the mind against some forms of age-related cognitive decline. In conclusion, learning a language has many good effects. It makes it easier to learn more languages and makes people understand their own language. It is also a way to learn how people interact and socialize with each other, and how each society works. In my case, it is more than making myself able to communicate with others. It is like getting some nice new surprise and a whole new level of understanding.
Work Cites
Walton, Beth “More children learn more than one language” American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages. Web. 01 October, 2007