While switching on and off with your two languages, you are sure to have experienced much culturalism in your life. Opporunities arise such as making new friends, and even conversate with them on a wider range of topics. You have a certain bond with them, that you wouldn't normally have with someone who was limited to one language. Even visiting other countries who's main language isn't English can be more enjoyable. For instance, whenver I visit Puerto Rico, I have the opporunity to convert with locals and
While switching on and off with your two languages, you are sure to have experienced much culturalism in your life. Opporunities arise such as making new friends, and even conversate with them on a wider range of topics. You have a certain bond with them, that you wouldn't normally have with someone who was limited to one language. Even visiting other countries who's main language isn't English can be more enjoyable. For instance, whenver I visit Puerto Rico, I have the opporunity to convert with locals and