* The purpose of the Legislative Branch is to write and pass laws that will help guide and justly govern the Country.…
Departments and executive agencies are staffed by civil servants who are ultimately accountable to Parliament through the relevant departmental minister.…
3. A Senate filibuster allows a senator to delay action on a certain bill. The House Rules Committee manages the flow of legislation which can make it easier or more difficult for a bill to pass. The Conference committees settle any differences that the House and the Senate may have over a bill. Congress exercises oversight of the federal bureaucracy mainly through their Standing…
government should be by the consent of the governed, but only when the people are mature…
The people of states will chose the members. For a person to be elected a Representative must be the age…
[2] Ronald L. Watts. “Bicameralism in Federal Parliamentary Systems,” in Protecting Canadian Democracy: The Senate You Never Knew, ed. by Serge Joyal. Montreal & Kingston Mc Gill-Queen’s University Press, (2003): 67.…
“The senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, chosen by the legislatures…” (US Constitution, Article 1 Section 3 Clause 1, Doc D). This is very important in making sure there isn’t tyranny in the US because if the senators were chosen by population, the bigger states would have power over small states. This could end in tyranny. The big states would have more power over the smaller states because senators make big decisions and since the bigger states would have more votes, they would be able to do whatever they wanted to…
The Principle of Representative Government • • • • • Government for the people, by the people People elect representatives Answerable to the people for their actions Must represent the views of the majority of people Failure to represent = loss of confidence = loss of government…
* The principle of government in the House of Commons was that government should represent the people.…
Congress consists of two chambers. House and Senate, so they might act as checks on each other’s power and activity.…
In representative government the people vote for a representative to be their voice in government.…
He/She chairs cabinet meetings and has the powers to call consensus in such meetings. The lack of security of tenure among cabinet ministers means that any cabinet minister deemed hostile to the Prime Minister can be fired (Savoie, 2009). Therefore the cabinet ministers have no incentive to revolt or stand their ground against the Prime Minister especially when it is only a small number of cabinet ministers holding an opinion contrary to that of the Prime Minister. Therefore, Savoie, (2000) argues that ministerial powers do not flow from the ministers but from the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister also appoints many office bearers who are responsible for providing checks and balances to his government. This includes officers such as the Auditor General, and governor of the Bank of Canada.…
most important parts of a democracy is the fact that we, the people, have a say in what happens…
I find the issue of representation is very important to the new system of government that is wanted to be set up. The way to determine the representation can have different approaches, whether it’s one or two houses, or representation based on population or equal. Without the right system, the states will not be represented correctly and it could become unfair to other states because they are either not powerful enough or neglected because of their size. The idea has been pitched of two houses and one is equal and the other is based on the contribution to the treasury. The many different ideas about how to represent seem endless but the right one must be chosen.…
Civilized debate and due process of law are at the core of democratPresident Abraham Lincoln,…