When surrounding oneself by a familiar language community we can easily understand what is spoken and its meaning. If a person were to use a metaphor towards a friend or someone closer in relationship the individual would understand the meaning immediately. For example, "You walk like a penguin," of course being surrounded by that familiar space no on would really feel insulted, but it might cause a positive or negative view of the persons self. No matter how hard you try it would be extremely difficult to use language without metaphors. It is like eating barbeque ribs without having taste buds.
In the language community there are many different types of people. Only speaking about metaphors there are those who offend and who are offended, those who understand …show more content…
An example would be, "After working the whole day I came home feeling like a ton of bricks," which does not necessarily mean you are carrying a ton of bricks but it expresses your emotions. Sometimes we use metaphors to exaggerate what we mean or even persuade others. An example would be, "How was the exam?" The response could be, "I died," even though the two speakers may or may not know each other a common understanding is passed between them. The first speaker might be thinking that the exam could really be difficult since the second speaker seemed so sure or it might be easy. It really depends on whether both the speakers studied or