Lascaux Cave Research Paper
Lascaux cave was discovered in 1940 by four teenagers and a dog their names were Georges Agnel,Marcel Ravidat,Jacques Marsal, Simon Coencas,and Robot.It was discovered in the commune of Montignac, southwestern France.Lascaux was discovered when the teenagers went hunting and their dog Robot sniffed out the caves.The cave is called Lascaux because the hills where the cave was discovered were named the Lascaux Hills.The paintings are 16,000 years old. The archaeologists that studied the cave were .The first Lascaux paintings were from the Stone Age.The Lascaux cave was closed due to the fact that biological growth in the form of algae,appeared on the paintings. The problem is the atmospheric conditions in the Lascaux
cave.The types of paintings found in Lascaux are of bulls, stags,and horses there is also a unicorn depicted in the paintings.