To: Kevin Grant
From: Mike Smith
CC: Harold Smith
Date: 8/24/2007
Re: Citizen-Schwarz AG Contract
In the future, if Citizen-Schwarz AG continues to change their original contract requirements there needs to be sign offs from both Span Systems and Citizen-Schwarz AG directors. Prior to Span Systems' director signing off Citizen-Schwarz AG's request, a panel of senior programmers at Span Systems needs to approve the request, so programming changes can be adequately evaluated. Span System programmers want to be assured that timetables and schedules can still be met within the agreed upon contract. If Citizen-Schwarz AG's request requires more time to meet the deliverables of the project then Span Systems and Citizen-Schwarz AG need to exercise the Requirement Change' clause within the contract. This clause is meant to formalize a change and suppose to notify and bring in upper management from both sides to handle a change request by following the Information Technology Project Methodology Standard. This clause is not written to handle out of the ordinary requests. This clause needs to be able to handle difficult requests and effectively document a procedure that can hold both sides accountable for changes made to the original contract. This clause also needs to be streamlined, so that both parties can act quickly upon agreed changes to the contract. It would be best to amend a clause to the current contract that is specially written to handle requirement changes throughout the project. This clause should document the process to effectively make difficult change request. This process should also require sign offs from project directors from both companies. In addition, each change request needs to be a legal contract that carefully documents how the scope of the project changes with each request. Each request absolutely needs to document how the timetables and schedules will be affected through the continuation of the project.