I wish to first share with you a story. Many years ago when I was working in Sacramento I had to make a trip for work to San Los Opisbo. The funeral was to be in the early afternoon so I could make the trip in one day. I got all my items together. I had maps and directions from map-quest. I knew my direction and I was going to make it there. I got there in no problem but noticed that I took me a little longer then I had planned. Once there service was over I got in the van that I was driving and looked over the map and saw that I just needed to drive on the road I was on and then turn near the town of Avenal and that would get me on I-5. I started out and began driving. After a while I noticed that I hadn't taken the right turn that I had planned on doing. I pulled over and saw that if I stayed on this road I could go into the town of Coalinga and then get I-5 again. But it was going to be more driving on this quite road. I said to myself well I will just have to go faster to make up the time. It felt like forever but I know it was not but I came up over a rise and saw the familiar outline of a highway patrol car. I pulled to the right of the road right as I passed him. His lights came on and over to me and came around behind me. He came over to my window where I had my drivers license and insurance waiting for him. He askeme where I was heading. After a long explanation he saw all my maps and told me that I was going to fast and that I needed to slow down. He let me off but said that if he ever caught me again He would “throw the book at me” –
What did I learn from this lesson of my life. I had made a plan I had the directions and the path laid our for me.