New concepts of justice are one of the settings that give rise to law reform. Society evolves over time and its views on justice alter for a variety of reasons. In the past, capital punishment for particular murder offences was seen as the most effective way of dealing with the most monstrous crimes. It was a case of society delivering pure retribution for a crime: ‘a life for a life’. As a result, social attitudes with respect to capital punishment shifted and no Australian jurisdiction now permits it. Capital punishment no longer served community’s purposes. This is conveyed in the Bilal Skaf law. In his case two people from the jury investigated the crime scene, this is strictly against the law, which led the case to start all over again. However a new law was introduced and electronic transcript that was used for their previous case was allowed to be used. Thus, the effectiveness of law reform in attaining impartial outcomes with regard to current law reform cases has been confirmed in this case.
Another condition that gives rise to law reform is technology. New technology has changed the way people lived over the course of the 20th century. The development