What are some differences between leadership and management? How do these differences affect an organization?
Leadership and management should essentially come together. They are not in fact similar but tend to create the same complimentary effect upon each other. The two concepts should not be separated as it may not prove worthy in solving a particular problem. Management and leadership, both have different understanding of opinions by people. For leadership, the leaders are born within circumstances revolving around adversity while managers are created at firms. Leadership retains a larger scope whereas management comes within a confined scope. Managers only have to focus on dealing with workplace situations and held responsible for the actions of their subordinates. For a company, a good management produces an effective leadership. The internal and external affairs of a company can only be well managed with an effective management fostering quality leadership. Major decisions are taken by leaders and those decisions can be ambiguous or controversial under certain conditions. Leaders need to think in terms of creativity considering future within short and long terms. They also have to tolerate the sacrifices of their companions or of their own belongings. Managers on the other hand have to abide by the predetermined laws and follow the directions given by the company. They have limited powers and duties as defined by the company.
DQ 2
What are some decisions leaders must make? What are some decisions managers must make?
For every group or a team, a leader tends to be that vision and direction that they follow. Management is only capable of directing such a group within the prescribed principles and values that they are already told to follow. A company should necessarily have both managers and leaders. A good management and a good leadership compliment each other however a good management is supposed to concieve an effective leadership.