Defining Leading and Leadership
Leading is defined as:
1. Influencing others to take action toward specific goal.
2. Guiding and directing on a course, and as serving as a channel. A leader is someone who has commanding influence.
Leadership is defined as:
1. It is the process of influencing and directing activities of members toward goal accomplishment.
2. It is about ordinary people who care. People who care enough to get extra ordinary things done.
3. It is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspire confidence.
4. It is simply not an art (emotional/instinctual) or a science (rational/acquired). It is a blend of the rational and emotional, the innate and acquired, the ideal and practical.
(Source: Peter Northouse, Leadership Theory and Practice, 2001)
Lecture 6 - Leadership Styles
Let us compare leadership styles. We can do this best by contrasting two opposite styles of leadership: the authoritarian and the democratic (or participate) style.
1. The Authoritarian Style shows certain characteristics and we can sum them up by saying that leaders falling under this category:
• are generally strong-willed, domineering, and to some extent, aggressive.
• must have their own way, which for them, seems the only way.
• look upon subordinates more as functionaries than as persons, and the best subordinates, in their estimation, follow directions without question.
• ordinarily are not ready to listen to views and suggestions of others (although they may pretend to), if they offer different opinions.
• not encourage equal relationships (i.e. adult to adult with underlings. As a rule, they do not allow themselves to get close to employees. They do not like to see employees get close to one another, for such cliques, as authoritarian leaders perceive them, might endanger their authority.
• have business-like