Q.4- Does Huizenga have an LMP?
Ans. He does not have an LMP, he seems to have a high sense of achievement and this drive has made him able to accomplish the goals he kept setting for himself. Huizenga has a low sense of monetary achievements, his approach was not money driven and therefore he kept on achieving his objectives without involving money as the major motivational factor.
Q.5- What type of self-concept does Huizenga have, and how does it affect his business success?
Ans. Huizenga had a very positive self-concept, he tends to believe in himself and is a very disciplined, hard-working and hard-driving person. He believes in himself and that becomes the major factor of the success of his business. This was proved by his attitude of not tolerating to work for anyone else, he either leads or leaves.
Case 3
Q.2- Which specific motivational level, factor, and need (from content motivation theories) applies to Friedman’s Microwave Ovens?
Ans. The need of Power from the content motivation theory best fits with the study as employees were empowered and they made the best use of their power which did cost a little for the organization but they paid off through being more productive and effective as they were given the authority to take themselves as one of the very important members of the organization.
Q.7- In a position of authority, would you use Art’s techniques? Which ones?
Ans. Yes! I would use his techniques of empowering the employees, making them feel that its not them who belongs to the organization but in fact, the organization belongs to them. Another interesting technique which Art used and I would like to adopt would be that they make their own work schedules and choose the time they want to come for work so that their personal life would not be affected and they would not bring their personal problems to work which would save a lot of time of the HR department as well as the employer and they would have to submit the work assigned