1. Personality Traits and Leadership
What is Personality?
Two different meanings:
• First meaning refers to the impression a person makes on others his social reputation. It describes him or her as pushy, honest, outgoing, impulsive, decisive, friendly or independent. From the standpoint of leadership, this view of personality addresses two issues: “What kind of leader or person is this?” and “Is this somebody I would like to work for or be associated with?”
• Second meaning of personality emphasizes with the unseen structures and processes inside a person why we behave the way we do. Why each person’s behavior tends to be relatively similar across different situations, yet also different from another person’s behavior; to understand that we need to focus on traits.
Traits Definition: a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one's personal nature. Personality traits are useful concepts for explaining why people act fairly consistently from one situation to the next. Trait can help us predict more accurately how they will tend to act in a variety of situations. External factors, called weak moments affect a leader’s behavior in any given situation. Traits play a particularly important role in determining how people behave in unfamiliar, ambiguous, or what we might call weak situations.
The Five Factor or OCEAN Model of Personality
Despite this large number of adjectives, research has shown that most of the trait like terms people use to describe others’ behavioral patterns can be reliably categorized. The Five Factor or OCEAN model of personality is a categorization scheme. Most, if not all, of the personality traits that you would use to describe someone else could be reliably categorized into one of the five OCEAN personality dimensions. The five factors are 1) openness to experience which is concerned with curiosity, innovative thinking, assimilating new information, and being open to new experiences.