Section 1
Explain the meaning of the following terms:
1. Personality-Normal patterns of behavior exhibited by an individual; the attributes, traits, and mannerisms that distinguish one individual from another.
2. Attitude-An individual’s overall evaluation of something.
3. Awareness-insight into, or understanding of facts about, some object or phenomenon.
4. Intensions-Anticipated or planned future behavior.
5. Motive-A need, want, drive, wish, desire, impulse, or any inner state that energizes, activates, or moves and that directs behavior toward goals.
6. Communication Collection-
7. Observation Collection
Section #2
Answer the following questions:
1. List the seven kinds of primary data about individuals that …show more content…
interest marketers.
2. Describe the two basic means of obtaining primary data.
Observation and Communication
Observation: on involves scrutinizing the situation of interest and recording the relevant facts , action ,or behaviors .
Communication: involve questioning respondents to secure the desired information using a data collection instrument called a questionnaire.
3. State the specific advantages of each method of data collection.
In general, the communication method of data collection has the advantages of versatility ,speed ,and cost ,whereas observation data are typically more objective and accurate.
4. List the important considerations in the use of Observational methods of data collection. Observational data may be gathered using structured or unstructured methods that are either disguised or undisguised . The observations may be made in a contrived or a natural setting and may be a human or an electrical observer.
5. Cite the main reason researchers may choose to disguise the presence of an observer in a study.
Most often, an observer presence is disguised in order to control the tendency of people to behave different when they know their actions are being watched.
6. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of conducting an observational experiment in a laboratory setting.
The advantage of a laboratory environment is that researchers are better able to control outside influences that might affect the observed behavior.
The disadvantage of the laboratory setting is that the contrived setting itself may cause differences in behavior.
A contrived setting ,however ,usually speeds the data collection process ,results in lower cost research ,and allows the use of more objective measurements.
Chapter #6
Section 1
Explain the meaning of the following terms:
Fixed alternative question (closed ended)
2. Open ended questions
3. Personal Interview
4. Mall intercept
5. Telephone interview
6. Mail questionnaire
7. Internet based questionnaire
Section #2
Answer the following questions:
1. Explain the concept of structure as it relates to questionnaires.
The degree of structure in a questionnaire is the degree of standardization imposed on it. In a highly structure questionnaire to be asked and the reponses permitted by the subjects are completely predetermined . in a questionnaire with less structure , the response categories are not provided ; sometimes even the questions can vary.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a highly structured questionnaire?
3. What are the four main methods of collecting data using a questionnaire?
4. Use exhibit 6.5 to help you create a chart to show the main advantages and disadvantages of each of the four methods.
(1) Personal Interviews
Advantage: Ability to secure correct respondent Response rate Ability to probe for detailed answers Ability to handle complex information Ability to clarify questions Amount of information
obtained Flexibility of questions sequencing Ability to show visual displays
Protection from interviewer bias
Ability to abtain personal information Ability to offer anonymity
Time requirements Quality control requirements
(2) Telephone Interviews Advantage: Ability to secure list of population members Ability to secure correct respondent Ability to probe for detailed answers Ability to clarify questions Flexibility of questions sequencing Computer suooort
Time requirements Disadvantage: Ability to handle complex information Amount of information obtained Protection from interviewer bias Ability to show visual displays Ability to abtain personal information Ability to offer anonymity Quality control requirements Cost requirements
(3) Mail Questionnaires
Ability to secure list of population members Protection from interviewer bias Ability to show visual displays Ability to abtain personal information Ability to offer anonymity Quality control requirements Cost requirements
Disadvantage: Ability to secure correct respondent Ability to probe for detailed answers Ability to handle complex information Ability to clarify questions Flexibility of questions sequencing Computer support
Time requirements
(4)Internet-based Questionnaires
Protection from interviewer bias Ability to show visual displays Quality control requirements Cost requirements Ability to handle complex information Flexibility of questions sequencing Computer support
Time requirements
Disadvantage: Ability to secure list of population members Ability to secure correct respondent Ability to probe for detailed answers Ability to clarify questions
5. What are the strongest reasons for a researcher to choose to use an Internet-based questionnaire?
Internet-based Questionnaires: Is a questionnaire that relies on the Internet for completion.