Question #3 of 23 3. | Which of the following sources would you use to determine the Accounting Requirements Code (ARC)? | | | | | | | | FEDLOG | | | 4. | Enforcement of good supply discipline is accomplished by leadership, training, administrative measures and disciplinary measures. What other principle enforces supply discipline? | …show more content…
| What document along with the MTOE is a primary authorization document of items and equipment for individuals and/or units? | | | | Common Table of Allowances | | | | | | | 14. | What type of property is authorized to a unit by a Modification Table of Organization and Equipment, deployable Table of Distribution and Allowances, or a Common Table of Allowances? | | | | Real | | | | | | | 15. | What type of supply accountability actions need to be taken when property becomes lost, damaged, or destroyed? | | | | | | | | | | Administrative | 16. | What authorization document prescribes material required for common usage by individuals and units? | | | | | | | | | | Common Table of Allowances | 17. | Class VI items pertain to which of the following? | | | | Personal demand items | | | | | | | 18. | Which of the following is a compilation of existing regulatory requirements that provides leaders with a single source of requisite supply policies? | | | | | | Requirements Listing | | | | |
Question #19 of 23 19. | Which of the following communications enabler is designed to provide a secure wireless local network for CSS operations?