Leadership in Human Resource Management Prepared by: Marc Ian DiVall Date: 09 March 2013
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Modern Business Structure 6
Common traits found in leaders 6 Empathy 7 Consistency 7 Honesty 7 Direction 7 Communication 7
Identifying & Developing Leaders 8
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 11
The Oxford Dictionary defines a leader as “the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country” and leadership as “the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this”. It would seem that these definitions hold a certain discrepancy. Given the definition of leadership, one could argue that the definition of a leader should in fact be the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country, or has the ability to do this.
In terms of Human Resource Management (HRM), it’s important, and even necessary, to consider the latter as the true definition of a leader. (Zaccaro, Kemp, & Bader, 2003)
It’s clear that a leader is not necessarily someone who leads but also someone who has the ability to lead - Someone who possesses the necessary skills, character traits, and personality traits required to be a high quality leader.
Allow me to create a scenario to illustrate the ideas that will be explored in this paper.
Picture yourself on an airplane. You’re on a flight from Sydney to Los Angeles. It’s the middle of the night. There’s a lot of turbulence and you look out your window to see that you’re flying through an electrical storm. You feel the airplane sharply turning around. At this point the turbulence picks up and carry-on luggage is flying out of the overhead compartments. A solid metal suitcase flies out of the compartment above you and hits you over the head. You blackout.
The next thing you know, you wake up on a beach
Bibliography: Dr. Richard N. Knowles, Engaging the Natural Tendency of Self-Organization, World Business Academy, 2006 Stephen J. Zaccaro, Cary Kemp, & Paige Bader, Leader Traits and Attributes, 2003, Major’s School of Leadership, Alison Doyle, Group Interview Questions, www.about.com, 2013 Brad Wieners, Ricardo Semler: Set Them Free, Expert Voices, 2004 US Government, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Inc., 2013 Kenneth Leithwood, Doris Jantzi, Rosanne Steinbach, Changing Leadership for Changing Times. Changing Education Series, 1999 Weichun Zhu, Irene K.H. Chew, William D. Spangler, CEO transformational leadership and organizational outcomes: The mediating role of human–capital-enhancing human resource management, 2005 John W. Boudreau, Peter M. Ramstad, Strategic HRM Measurement in the 21st Century: From Justifying HR to Strategic Talent Leadership, 2002 David E. Guest, Human Resource Management & The American Dream, 1990