Personal Take
Situational Leadership
I believe the situational Leadership Curve is the best representation of this model and the easiest to actually apply. It shows the leader, exactly how to approach a situation based on the needs/level of the person who will be receiving the assistance. The leader assesses the circumstance, locates the quadrant that the individual needs and then know an entry point to begin providing support to them.
Allows for flexibility in different situations (prescriptive vs. one size fits all)
Stretches leader to be adaptable and not a single style of approach person.
Used in many different scenarios and has been successful in training leaders
One on one settings but not for multiples
No strong research to support it
No correlation of how demographic information changes the dynamics of this approach
No account for individuals movement from one quadrant to another
This model correlates the coaching continuum that we utilize in my daily work. In fact, about two weeks ago, I was providing training to principals that were interested in the topic of building a supportive environment. I actually brought up this model as a reference and we talked about its implementation and implications. Only one of the principals in the group admitted that they had heard of it before, but none of them knew it or applied it.
Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is when the leader puts the good of the follower/group before themselves. An individual assessment, usually by directly asking, how can I “assist”, is the precursor of any help provided. Personal gain is not the motive but the growth of the individual/organization is the motivation. Authority is not from the top down, but rather dictated by the needs of the follower or group.
“Leader” and person/group are equally vested in the success
Motivation and influence rather than domination or controlling of people.
Leader is sometimes viewed as a being to “soft”