Leadership Theories
Marlene Fain
The 21st century construct of leadership is emerging as vastly different from past leadership directives, many organizations and the people they employ, are increasingly unaccepting of the authoritive, dictatorial, inflexible styles of management historically used by many organizational cultures, supposedly to ensure high profits and maximum staff performance. The traditional view of leadership is based on assumptions of people 's powerlessness, lack of personal vision and inability to master the forces of change, deficits which can be remedied only by a few exceptional leaders (Senge, 1990). …show more content…
According to (Bass,1985) transformational leadership can inspire trust, loyalty, and admiration in followers, who then subordinate individual interests or power to interests of the group, creating shared power. A transformational leader empowers followers through clear purpose and goals, is able to strengthen organizational alignment that creates opportunity and gives followers permission to fulfill previously unknown potential. Rost 's definition says that leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes. Rost reminds us that leadership is not what leaders …show more content…
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