Sociologists searching for a model form of work organisation which claims to improve organizational performance and gain competitive advantage, whilst improving workers‟ experience of the employment relationship, have encountered a difficult challenge. The high performance model is seen by a number of practitioners and researchers as the latest attempt to construct an alternative to Taylorism and lean production. Advocates of the high performance workplace (HPW) argue that it places greater emphasis on skill acquisition, opportunities to utilise skills, employee involvement and influence than lean work places.
Appelbaum et al. (2000), in their US-based study, report evidence of a positive correlation between HPW and job satisfaction. Ramsay et al. (2000), however, found, in their analysis of the 1998 UK Workplace Employee Relations Survey, that while there was a positive association between HPW and gains in organisational performance, employees experienced greater levels of stress, insecurity and work effort. This negative pattern of employee experience was again evident in the 2004 WERS data and was also identified in
Danford et al.‟s (2005), study of partnershipand the HPW in the UK aerospace industry.
Notably, they argued that increased management control and decreased employee security were “inherent features of the HPW” (Danford et al., 2005, p. 239).
Jenner (1998) writes that Lean production system has been successful worldwide because it is a self-organizing and a dynamic system. With a flexible, creative and adaptive
structure that occur in a wide range of physical and biological fields. But the lean system is poised at a delicate balance between chaotic behaviour and order.
Managers have to use the principles as guidelines for transforming their own organization into flexible, lean, self-organizing structures. Since each principle must be adapted to the specific circumstances and
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