In David Malouf’s modern re-telling of Homer’s Illiad, the development of the characters in achieving catharsis and discovery of self is explored. Malouf demonstrates that a leap of faith is often essential for success in life. The leaps of faith are defined within the contexts of the characters that are making this leap. As fate is traditionally accepted in the Illiad, Malouf’s retelling shows that the leap of faith to defy this norm and take chances can lead to personal success. Malouf also demonstrates that exploring realms of the new can lead to discovery of self; a goal in life that some characters would deem to be success.
In Ransom, the notion of ‘chance’ against the norm of fate is explored; showing that a leap of faith in taking chances can lead to unexpected successes. Priam’s idea of taking a ‘chance’ to approach Achilles ‘man to man, as a …show more content…
Driven by the idea of chance, Priam takes his leap of faith to oppose traditional norms of fate in order to liberate himself and also Achilles. On his journey, he encounters a world of things that are new to him in contrast to the rigorous life he lives as a royalty. As a result, Priam is able to ransom his son as well as achieve catharsis and relieve the tensions of being a king.
Contention: Malouf demonstrates that often but not always, a leap of faith is essential for personal success in life.
In Ransom, the notion of chance against the norm of fate is explored; showing that a leap of faith can lead a character to achieve personal success in life.
- Priam’s leap of faith in taking a ‘chance’ ultimately leads to the retrieval of Hector’s body and setting legacy.
“she is more tied to conventions”
‘in a world that is also subject to