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My father died thirteen years ago and I am still regretting my past behavior towards him. We had a turboulos relationship . I was a bit rebellious during my adolescent years, and moved out when I was only seventeen.. Now I can say, that I had the best and most wonderful father in the world. He was one of those father, that will give, and provide all your wishes ,and much more, his time,efforts ,and loving heart. * -------------------------------------------------
Back then, I thought that he was a bad father because he did not allow me to hang out with my friends. I had to be home mostly by five in the evening during weekdays. I guess during that time, I felt very controlled and isolated, so I rebelled. I became so rebellious that my father thought I had become so americanized. I started talking back at him. I came home much later, like at nine instead of being home by five. I skipped a lot of classes during my senior years and for that, my dad was continually called to school by my teachers. I became really wicked. * -------------------------------------------------
Despite my behavior, dad was forgiving and understanding with me. We sat down and talked about how my rebellious behavior would impact my life. But as a teenager, I lived with no rules. So it went in one ear and left out the other. I only had a “me, myself and I,” kind of attitude. I was wicked and very selfish. * -------------------------------------------------
Since my parents were divorced, before coming to America, in Nineteen Eighty One, my father finally asked me and my siblings(my older sister and a younger brother) if we could give him our blessing to remarry again. We all agreed, and gave him the blessing to remarry again. So he