There is a difference between the signs of learned helplessness and depression. Learned helplessness is the tendency to fail to act to escape from a situation because of a history of repeated failures in the past (Ciccarelli & White, 2010). People who are depressed are usually in a state of server sadness or helplessness. They stop caring about their appearance, interests and well being. Learned helplessness can cause depression when one is to feel like they are destined for failure and give up all together, but not all depressed people will feel that. Some will try to become happier or seek help, causing them to not have that feeling of failure. Learned helplessness is thought up mentally.
Martin Seligman, a psychologist, did a study on escaping and learning with dogs. With this, he ended up coining the tern learned helplessness. There were two groups of dogs. The first group of dogs were being taught to fear a certain sound by being shocked when they heard the sound, while harnessed so they couldn't run. The researchers wanted the dogs to learn to run away from the sound in order to not get shocked when not harnessed. The seconded group of dogs, were not harnessed and could move around freely. The two groups of dogs were then put in the same area to see if the harnessed dogs would now run away before the sound/shock because they had the chance to. When the researchers played the sound, the dogs in the first group showed