Learner Autonomy: Concept and Considerations
Madhu Neupane
Abstract “Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.”This proverb taken from Chinese culture is associated with learner autonomy. Once learning used to be the matter of receiving the body of knowledge which could then be used for the rest of life. But such view has been nonsense in this fast-paced world. Therefore, the learners should be provided with the skills necessary for the lifelong pursuit for knowledge. This article begins with the general concept of autonomy and goes on to consider different aspects of autonomy. It insists that learner autonomy does work in any culture provided that the teacher also has autonomy to some extent and curriculum is designed accordingly. While it highlights that total autonomy is neither feasible nor desirable in formal language learning contexts, it argues that learner autonomy is necessary for making someone lifelong learner.
Key words: learner autonomy, teacher autonomy, curriculum, culture, activities
Introduction: Defining autonomy
Autonomy, a relatively new concept in the field of education, has been defined differently by different scholars. Holec (1981 as cited in Schmenk, 2006) was the first person to define the learner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning” (p. 3). According to him, this ability is acquired rather than inborn. Taking charge means being able to make regarding all the aspects of language learning. As this suggests this is the total shift of responsibility of learning language to learners. Little (1995) observes that learners autonomy “aims to equip learners to play an active role in participatory democracy” (p. 176). Benson (2008) agrees with Little when he says, “because the concept of autonomy in learning draws its meaning from the concept of personal autonomy, it is centrally concerned with the kind of learning that best helps people to lead autonomous lives” (p. 4).
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