Unit 9 Supporting Learning Activities Assignment 3
Learning Activity 1
4.1 In Year 2 class (Meteor Group) dated 01-15-2013, Numeracy Lesson.
L.O. Multiply by 2,5,10 using the number line method. Three pupils did the same activity. Among three of them, Samuel needed more resources to understand the learning activity. I used the mini whiteboard and pen and the multiplication chart also. For the other two pupils, the number chart and counting on fingers was most sufficient for understanding the task. 4.2 I noticed Diego was counting on his fingers and gave me the answers for the task. He managed to do five problems. But in the case of Lia and Samuel, I used the mini whiteboard and pen to explain the task. Lia managed to do two problems whereas Samuel managed to do four problems. Also I was asking questions to find out whether they understood the task.
General role in assessing pupils I assessed pupils during the task. I talked through with pupils about what they had to do. I was used open-ended questions about the task. I explained the number line method to solve the problems. I gave the feedback to the teacher about the pupils informed about Diego's progress, who used the counting on fingers technique to achieve the learning objective. And for Lia and Samuel’s activities, I informed the teacher about the use of mini whit board and pen to explain them the learning activity.
Learning Activity 2
4.1 and 4.2