January 28, 2015
Why am I in college?
Why am I in college ? Good question. I'm in college because i wanted to take my education further than just high school. In some households college is a choice, but in mines it's kind of is and it's kind of not. I know for a fact i was going to go to college. The fact that i have always liked school is why i knew i was going to go. Some people might think it's weird, but that's just been me. I have always been in school most life from daycare all the way to college. My mother kept me in school and made sure I did good so I can and could continue my education. Going to college was a must for me, once I notice much more there was to learn I wanted to go. I like learning new things and learning more about things that I already know about. You could never be over education. By me coming to college I see more opportunities.
One of the reason I chose to go to college was to get a taste of the real world just a little bit.
What i mean by that is that I could see how it kind of feels to be on my own, get out and doing things on my own and not being in my parent house. I like how when you go to college you have the choice to stay on campus or not , which gives you the chance to see what it feels like to be on your own. I glad I chose to come to college because I really like how I have the chance to study something i have a passion for and also helps you prepare for the adult world to take care of responsibilities , handling money and having the higher knowledge.
Another reason I am in college is because I am studying and continuing to learn more about what
I want to do in my career choice.Coming to college helped me learn more about myself and things I would and want to learn about and accomplish in my lifetime. With me coming to college I feel like there are so many doors open for me. I came to college to learn how to communicate and not be so distant from others. Being here has changed