Title: The principals and themes of Aistear.
Terms of reference: This report is part of my communications Level 5 5N0690
Method of procedure: In this report I aim to outline the 12 principals and the 4 themes of Aistear.
Findings: Early childhood is a time of great opportunity for learning and development. In these early years children learn through love, trusting and respectful relationships and through discussion, exploration and play.
Aistear celebrates early childhood as a time of being, and of enjoying and learning from experiences as they unfold. This early learning lays important foundations for later learning. Aistear is the curriculum framework for children from birth to six years in Ireland; it was published towards the end of 2009. It provides information for adults to help them plan for, and provide enjoyable and challenging learning experiences, so that all children can grow and develop as skilled and confident learners, within loving relationships with others.
Aistear describes the types of learning that are important for children in their early years, and offers ideas and suggestions as to how this learning may be nurtured. According to Aistear, early childhood care and education must support a child’s sense of well-being, communicating, identity and belonging, thinking and exploring. The Framework also provides guidelines on supporting children’s learning through partnerships with parents, interactions, play and assessment.
Aistear is based on twelve principles of early learning and development:
The child’s uniqueness: Each child has his/her own set of experiences and a unique life story. They are an active learner growing up as a member of a family and community with particular traditions and ways of life.
Equality and diversity: Promoting equality is about creating a fairer society in which everyone can participate equally with the opportunity to fulfil his/her potential.
Children as citizens: They