Unit 5 Lab 1
Resolving Systemic Conflict
Scenario selected: Skill deficits by some employees.
Possible solutions to scenarios:
1. Prevention: prior to hiring, administer an assessment of skills required for the job and company.
2. Prevention: prior to hiring, conduct an interview.
3. Prevention: train employee in any required skill sets, whether they already know it or not.
4. Prevention: require a probationary period in which the new employee displays skills; after which they either continue working or get dismissed.
5. Maintain: If employee’s skills have not improved significantly, give verbal warning and advise to re-train.
6. Maintain: Give employee written warning if there are no signs of improvement.
7. Maintain: Re-train employee and test their knowledge.
8. Final: If employee’s skills still have not improved, fire them. They obviously either cannot learn to adapt or never knew the skills they advertised, therefore wasting company time, resources and money.