Ch. 7, The Gulf War
How did the elder Bush administration’s policy toward Iraq reflect a “realist” approach?
Thinking was straight forward, Saddam would impact Saudi Arabia’s oil field by controlling Kuwait and Saudi as a major oil producer impacts the global economy. Cheney “Saddam’s actions are to dominate OPEC, even he doesn’t attack Saudi Arabia, his new wealth will be able to produce new WMDs or go Nuclear. Bush wanted to humiliate Iraq to send a message.
What threat did Saddam Hussein pose to US interests?
Weapons of mass destruction. As he has used them before on his own people and other nations. Also dominating the Gulf with control over Kuwait/Saudi oil fields. Gulf was to remain neutral zone, free from soviets.
In what way were the goals of the war limited?
Goal was to drive Iraq forces out of Iraq not full war, air campaign.
What role did coalition politics play in these limits?
Saudi Arabia was not sure US was committed to it’s security. Diplomatic attempts were made first, sanctions. Importance in not upsetting the soviets(during fall of the soviet union/to end cold war). Important to get UN resolution in condemning Iraq’s action.
Why was removing Saddam considered too risky?
The coalition could break up with differing goals and was not in the UN resolution. It would be difficult and costly and embarrassing if not achieved. A less pragmatic leader can rise to power with same views of Saddam.
Why did the US not want Iraq to be too weak or disintegrate?
Fears of another strong man. Iraq politics would not change but require a long process.
How did the Vietnam experience affect the views of military leaders about the application of military force in Iraq?
Doing the opposite decisions of Vietnam, staying out of trouble unless necessary, fight quickly with a massive force for narrow/military goals. Avoid sin of political micromanagement, no political leadership meddling in military operations.
How and why