* Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Executive Summary 2 Background 2 Methodology 4 Findings 4 1. Introduction 10 2. International Definitions 12 3. Causes and Characteristics of Dyslexia 19 4. Identification of Dyslexia 24 4.1 Dyslexia Early Screening Test (DEST) 25 4.2 Cognitive Profiling System (CoPS) 32 4.3 Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children (WISC) 34 4.4 Response to Intervention (RTI) 35 5. Intervention and Support 39 6. Long-Term Prospects of Dyslexics 56 7. Language and Dyslexia 60 7.1 The Impact of Orthographic Consistency on Dyslexia 61 7.2 The Impact of Alphabetic and Logographic Language Systems on Dyslexia 63 8. Conclusions 67 9. References 69 APPENDIX 1-other tests available to identify dyslexic individuals 84 APPENDIX 2-other commercial intervention programs 86 APPENDIX 3-summary of issues raised during peer review process 86
* Executive Summary * Background
Literacy is one of the competencies necessary for effective participation in modern life and is a prerequisite for the achievement of many other essential competencies, both generic and specific. It underpins access to all learning areas across the curriculum. New Zealand has a good reputation for the literacy achievement of its students, but it also has a system where a number of learners are not achieving well by international standards2. There is a group of students who experience persistent and on-going difficulties in literacy, and recently there have been particular questions as to whether the current education system is meeting the needs of a group of students with specific learning disabilities (SLD), in particular those commonly referred to as dyslexia.
Dyslexia is an often misunderstood, confusing term for
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