Week 1
Before: I recognise that I need to continually educate myself and be willing to move with the advances in technology or I’ll be left behind. I think it’s amazing and slightly scary at the same time just how much has changed in my lifetime. As a professional teacher I’ll need to be constantly learning and adapting.
After: A professional teacher (Berliner, as cited in Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p.4) will practice and understand the academic disciplines associated with educational psychology, which centralisers on human teaching and learning.
As stated in Eggen & Kauchak (2010) the characteristics of what a professional teacher will possess are as follows; a commitment to students that follows a code of ethics; being able to self-critic and reflect on effectiveness of one’s teaching; the ability to make decisions in situations that are intricate and ill-defined and having an agglomeration of specialized knowledge.
The education reform movement and research by Darling-Hammond & Baratz-Snowdon, as cited in Eggen & Kauchak (2010, p.8) has found, that enrichment of teacher knowledge and teacher quality with emphasis on ‘accountability’, has proved to have a strong effect on the learners’ achievements. The same research found that students taught by unprofessional teachers were not reaching their full potential and that it is impossible to teach what we don’t comprehend ourselves.
Week 2
Before: I am from a split home, with seven brothers, no sisters and my father had custody of us. My environment was male dominated and I believe because of this my sporting abilities and competiveness were heightened. I acknowledge that I progressed quicker in some areas of development and slower in others due to my upbringing.
After: The theory behind using a child’s ‘zone of proximal development’ to scaffold learning (Vygotsky, as stated in Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p.47.) is that, by recognising the gap between the ‘actual level of
References: Bandura, A,. & Schunk, D. (1981). Cultivating competence, self-efficacy, and intrinsic interest through proximal self-motivation. Journal of pPersonality and sSocial pPsychology Clark, I. (2010). Formative assessment ; ‘There is nothing so practical as a good theory’. The Australian jJournal of eEducation. 54, 341-352. ISSN: 0004-9441 Crow, S., & Small, R Grossman, P., & Thompson, C. (2008). Learning from curriculum materials: scaffolds for new teachers? Teaching and tTeaching eEducation Jordan, A., Schwartz, E.,m & McGhie-Richmond, D. (2009). Preparing teaching for inclusive practices. Teaching and tTeaching eEducation, 25, 535-542. Marsh, Colin. (2008). Classroom management:. Becoming a teacher: knowledge, skills and Issues Park, H., & Antonioni, D. (2007). Personality, reciprocity, and strength of conflict resolution Strategy