When meeting a group of new students it is important to find out each student’s particular learning style, this is so I can meet the learning needs of each student individually. Learning styles are individual’s natural pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations. There are many models of learning styles David Kolbs, Peter Honey and Alan Mumford, Anthony Gregorc and Neil Flemings VAK are some of the most popular. Honey and Mumford suggests that “learners are a mixture of four styles Activist (likes to keep busy, new challenges) Pragmatist (likes practical situations), Theorist (needs time to take in information) and Reflector (thinks deeply about what they are learning)” (2006) These are assumed to be acquired preferences that are adaptable, either at will or through changed circumstances.…
Firstly they identified the reflector, this style is when an individual preferred to learn from activities in which they watch, think and have time to think things over after what they have been taught. Secondly they identified the thorniest learning style, this style of learning is when an individual prefers to think things over and take step by step making a plan and analysing what they have to do. The third style of learning is the pragmatist style, this style is when someone preferred to be hands on and experiment with what they have and to see if it works, this style doesn’t involve any thinking, it is just a hands on and get on with it task. The fourth and finally learning style is the activist style, this style involves individuals who prefer to challenge new experiences, role play and they tend to like anything new that involves problem solving and small group discussions.…
Honey and Mumford used Kolb’s theory of learning in order to conduct their own styles of learning theory and they also looked at the way different employees learned where they found four learning style preferences which are activists, pragmatist, theorists, reflectors. These four learning preferences each have certain characteristics and with their help it helps to see an individual’s way of learning and which learning preferences are either helpful or unhelpful.…
The technique I used to identify the learning style of myself and colleague was the Honey and Mumford to technique. By answering a number of questions and working out a simple calculation of the results, you can identify the preferred learning style and read a general description which should relate to my character and personality. Based on my own results, I show a strong preference to Activist and Pragmatist. Specific phrases within the description of my styles were the words such as “keen to try out new ideas”, “gets straight to the point in discussions” and “prefers short written reports”. Taking into consideration the description of a pragmatist/activist learner, I feel this is a good match of my character, as I thrive on the challenge of new experiences and am practical, down to earth person who likes making practical decisions and solving problems.…
The questionnaire asks a series of questions which help the individual to identify their preferred learning habits. The answers to these questions are scored and the person then falls into one of four categories which is the learning style best suited to them based on the answers they have given. Honey and Mumford put forward four main learning styles; Reflectors, theorists, pragmatists and activists, each with their own characteristics. Reflectors prefer to learn through activities which allow them to observe, think and review situations. They like to collect data and mind map. Theorists prefer to think problems through step by step using lectures, systems, case studies etc. Quite often they are perfectionists. Pragmatists enjoy applying new ideas and techniques to actual practise to test their use. They prefer learning through lab work, field work and observations rather than lectures or lengthy discussions. They are practical and like concepts which can be applied to their own jobs. Activists enjoy new things and like challenges. They prefer to learn through activities role-playing, problem solving and small group discussions. They are unlikely to prepare for their learning or to review it afterwards. This was Honey and Mumford’s interpretation of learning styles theory however…
Directions: Briefly describe the results of your learning styles inventory. Identify 2 different settings in which you could apply the results of the inventory. For example, you could consider two different classes that you will take and describe how learning strategies may differ depending upon the subject you are studying. Identify and describe 4 techniques that will support your learning and retention.…
Upon completion of the learning style inventory exercises, I gained awareness of the learning styles that will continue to be discussed throughout the duration of this course. Being introduced to the different types of learning styles are of vital importance to me as a student, as it helps me discover ways in which I learn. The purpose of this exercise is to help us identify ourselves in accordance to when we feel successful at learning, and by that, what techniques we use and how we apply them to learn to the best of our ability. We were instructed to fill out various interrelated ideas on how people learn, and based on our personal opinions; rate them on a scale of one through four, with four being the strongest answer. We then would total up our answers, in each of the following categories: Concrete Experience (Feeling), Reflective Observation (Watching), Abstract Conceptualization (Thinking), and Active Experimentation (Doing) and represent our total numbers with drawing four connecting lines to create a formation of a “kite.” In every aspect of the grid within the learning style graph, the illustration of my ‘kite’ hit all the designation points to create a perfect four-sided kite. The numbers in which my lines connected to were all almost, or hit right at the peak of each side of the grid. This essentially means that for each learning style criteria, my totals scored high and were ranked a vast majority of fours.…
The report is the outcome of the project titled “Learning Styles Inventory” . This project report aims to determine the learning Styles of the employees and also to develop a learning styles Inventory. The management can better understand their faculty and environment, conduct effective and productive meetings, refine conflict resolution skills and assemble more effective teams.…
Learning is a challenging and dynamic concept to develop by the human brain. It allows us to challenge ourselves and our capacity to accomplish our goals. There is a variety of styles that can be used to retain and learn information. The Vark Test was created to help an individual in their learning styles and adopt new ways that can help improve as well. The scores received after taking the Vark Test were as follow Visual, Aural and Read/Write 5 and kinesthetic 4 known as a multimodal.…
This exercise has taught me a lot on my way of thinking, concentrating, and contact with people. I never knew that these learning styles determine how I perceive my everyday functions. Until now I always thought of myself being a Visual learner, I have to see it in order to understand it. I am a see it, to believe it type of woman. After taking the self-test and reviewing the chart, my way of thinking is much broader. I do all three of the learning styles. I had to sit back and say; am I weird? Am I just able to learn, all different Ways.…
In order to understand and evaluate my own learning style; I first needed to understand what a learning style is. Hartley (1998) offers the definition that learning styles are how individuals approach various learning tasks, however as stated by Cassidy (2004) there is an overwhelming amount of definitions as there are theorists in the subject. In order so I could identify my prevalent learning style, I completed the Honey and Mumford learning styles questionnaire given by the university (Honey & Mumford, 2006), the results of which can be seen in Appendix 1. I discovered that according to this theory; my learning style was relatively evenly spread across the four learning styles (Appendix 2) with a slight leaning towards the pragmatist category. Having evaluated my own study skills I believe that my personal learning style takes from all categories of this particular model, for example; I am keen to try out new ideas (Pragmatist), I question the rationale (Theorist), I am open minded (Activist), I am a good listener (Reflector), I relish new experiences (Activist), I have strong beliefs (Theorist), I tend to speak my mind (Pragmatist) and I prefer concepts which I can apply to practice (Pragmatist).…
_____ Unless I write down directions, I am likely to get lost and arrive late.…
Answering the questions from the Learning Style Inventory I established that my learning style is visual. This did not surprise me for I tend to remember faces rather than names and remembering information is vital when I have a textbook, visual aids, and written information (Bethel University, 2013, p. 19). Being a visual learner indicates that I learn with my eyes to retain the knowledge needed. This perhaps is beneficial because it requires me to understand my learning abilities to succeed in any aspect in life. In my personal and professional life being a visual learner provides me the ability to learn challenging and difficult tasks and skills. Taking on a class or subject would be simple by knowing that visual learners operate by observing…
I usually think outside of the box and I have a ton of energy. I like a…
The results of my learning style inventory was quite a surprise. I always thought that I was more of a visual learner; however, the inventory results concluded that I was an auditory learner. Will my learning style affect my teaching style? I do not believe that my learning style will directly affect my teaching style because as an educator I understand that all students learn differently so it will be my job to integrate all three learning styles into my classroom and into my lesson plans. I might gravitate towards teaching more in an auditory manner at times, but I do not believe that will hinder my students’ success. Students need to be exposed to different learning styles because not every learning moment they will encounter will…