Susan Varghese
Grand Canyon University NRS 429V-Family Concepts
May 05, 2013
Learning is a challenging and dynamic concept to develop by the human brain. It allows us to challenge ourselves and our capacity to accomplish our goals. There is a variety of styles that can be used to retain and learn information. The Vark Test was created to help an individual in their learning styles and adopt new ways that can help improve as well. The scores received after taking the Vark Test were as follow Visual, Aural and Read/Write 5 and kinesthetic 4 known as a multimodal.
Every course is a different learning style, using a variety of different styles that apply help retain the concept of the material. By using visual images and pictures help retain some difficult task in mathematics. When things do not require a lot of concentration, I use the aural method, allowing music to guide me in the communication process. The Aural method usually happens late night after a difficult day. In the complicated subjects that require the most attentive concentration and energy, using the solitary learning style helps best. The need of silences is necessary in private and noise free room. This learning style allows retain new information for a test and using flashcards as well. These two styles are crucial in the learning process for new information.
One of the most important learning styles that aides my learning process is the visual learning style. Saying that, this learning style allows me to understand and multi task two things at the same time to solve a challenging problem. For example, in mathematics I can be adding and subtracting double denominators and changing fractions at the same time. This learning style helps me grasp the content better and enables me to enjoy it. At times it is necessary to combine more than one learning style to obtain the objective and yield a positive outcome in the learning process. When reading any new material, identifying
References: Bertrando, R. (2009). Bar for learning Students. (3rd Ed.). Larchmont, N.Y.: Eye on Education. Mann, T. (2009). Learning strategies on Students. Park, Pa.: Brentz College. Salbot, J. (2009). Guide for Student Success. (4th Ed.). Ontario, CA