R. Haynes
October 7, 2010
Three different learning styles and personality types were assessed to identify a strategy for the three to collaborate and communicate effectively in a team-setting. The use of the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator and Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences determined the different personality types and learning styles to study. Every personality type and learning style offers skills and abilities beneficial to teamwork. Students and employees benefit from knowing their personality type and learning style. It allows them to determine how they will best contribute to a team.
Teamwork: Balancing Learning Styles and Personality Types Even though undefined, knowing one 's learning style and personality type allows one to determine their skills and abilities to excel. The Myers-Briggs personality type indicator and Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences was used to assess different personality types and learning styles. These assessments are used by schools as well as employers; the results of these assessments bring self-awareness allowing one to determine how one works individually and what one has to offer to a team. Teamwork is a part of everyday life; whether one is a student or an employee. As a student to know one’s learning style or personality type helps one discover the best way to study and retain information. It also allows one to assess how well one can contribute to and collaborate in a group project. As an employee, one works with a team daily therefore knowing the way one learns or one’s personality type allows them to “pinpoint your own strengths and weaknesses and let your teammates know where you can excel” (Wee & Morse, 2007, para. 8), which makes delegating tasks and roles easier. In either setting, one can play up their strengths, build weaknesses, and focus their career to their skills and abilities.
References: Carter, C., Bishop, J., & Kravits, S. (2007). Keys to College Studying: Become An Active Thinker (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company. Wee, J., & Morse, O. (2007, Aug). Juggling People-Secrets for Successful Teams. Cost Engineering, 49(8), 38.