Using the scale below, individually rate each member of your learning team, including yourself (please use the Collaboration Guide on the next page for a more detailed description of each category).
4 = Excellent 3 = Good 2 = Fair 1 = Poor 0 = None
|Learning Team Evaluation |Team |Time |Establishing and |Professional |Team |Collaboration |
|Form |Involvement |Management |Following Guidelines |Communication |Contributions |Comments |
| | | |(Helped to define and | | | |
| |(Active and |(Supported team |adhere to the goals, |(Communicated clearly and|(What did each team member contribute to |(Please include any comments describing |
| |substantively involved|timeline) |roles, and |professionally) |the assignment? What value did that |why each person received the |
| |in the team | |responsibilities of the| |contribution add to the completed |collaboration score that you gave them.)|
| |discussion) | |team) | |assignment? ) | |
|Self Score |4 |4 |4 |4 |I contributed to the overall agenda |I feel I