Christine Robbin
Kimberly Quintero
Nicole Stevens
Marcus Roberts
Cascadia / Nut101
Learning Team Agreement - Team D
Team Name: Bio-Design
Project Title: Research the science and politics of bioengineered food and present your findings
Project Outcomes:
Hold discussions within your small group on your assigned topic
Develop a presentation on your assigned current nutrition topic.
Manage a class discussion on your presentation.
Effectively collaborate in a group setting with a diversity of people, ways of communicating and ways of knowing.
Due Date: Please see the Calendar of Assignments Due for all due dates associated with your learning team assignments.
Project Topics:
Research the science and politics of bioengineered food and present your findings.
Research and describe conventional agricultural systems and agricultural systems that use polyculture. Compare and contrast the two systems in terms of environmental impact, human health impacts, and cost.
Research and describe organic agricultural systems and present your findings.
Examine how the different aspects of culture affect food choices and disease in the United States and globally and present your findings.
Analyze the Atkins Diet or choose another common fad diet that your group is interested in. Present your findings.
Determine and analyze 5 common dietary health claims. Present your findings.
Team Members Personal Information: It is vital to the success of your team that everyone has correct contact information. Please remember to check your email consistently (but mostly the Canvas classroom) for team activity so that you can be an active, positive member of your team. I thank you and your team thanks you!
Cell Phone
Current Email
Mimi Thomas
Same Christi Robbin
Same Kimberly Quintero
Same Nicole Stevens
Same Marcus Roberts