The Philosophy of Nutritionism
Pollan argues that the notion of nutrients is …show more content…
Resulting in little “real food” left on the American shelves.
The Western Diet
Pollan states that the western diet is the root cause of health problems in countries that subscribe to it. He examines these countries, and the health consequences that they suffer due to their diet. He also provides examples of the alternative countries which focus on the traditional and cultural diet instead, resulting in comparatively better health. Pollan argues that the western civilization’s transition from whole foods to refined foods, from quality foods to quantity foods, from complex foods to simple foods and from culture food to science food is the main reason for the health problems that we have today.
Pollan’s Advice
After showcasing the problem that we have in today’s society, Pollan goes on to provide us with a simple solution, perhaps too simple. Do not follow the western diet, eat less, and eat plants and whole foods when