Mr. Cabron
Course # ENC1101C/9324
21 February 2014
A) Pollan #3 on page 441
Michael Pollan, the author of “Escape from the Western Diet” has a very strong believes about
changes in policy. Right now, we have a set of government policies that favor the production of
industrial food. Most organic farmers receive no subsidies. If you look at the food system we
have, it 's the result of the incentives we 've set up, basically encouraging farmers to grow a lot of
corn and soy, which are the building blocks of fast food. I think if we level the playing field so
that farmers are rewarded for growing healthy food, the price will come down. It may never be
as cheap as conventional food. In the other hand we have …show more content…
Maxfield’s formula of trusting our body,
ourselves, and meeting our needs rests on the questionable assumption that our mind is not
telling us what we want but telling us what we need. Our bodies need nutrients to function
properly. Too much or too little nutrients can cause illnesses and other problems in our bodies.
The key with this is not to do as Maxfield says, to blindly follow whatever cravings our bodies
have, but to fulfill the basic needs of our bodies. There are a few key things to understand in
order to fulfill our basic needs such as, being able to differentiate between the good and bad
cravings our body has, knowing what nutrition facts are showing that certain foods put into our
bodies, and most importantly how to read and comprehend nutrition facts and how to live a
healthy lifestyle. And although nutrition may seem of concern to only a small group of
individuals, it should in fact concern anyone who cares about living a healthy and strong life.
If Pollan were to read Mary Maxfield’s article, it will be very interesting because both have a
different point of view about how should be the right way to eat and the citizens that have …show more content…
Pollan will critique Maxfield claims in how “Culturally we resist
these scientific findings”, that people can be fat and healthy, “in favor of a perspective that
considers fatness fatal and thinness immortal.” While it is true that an individual can be fat and
healthy, it does not follow that that individual is healthy because their diet consists of Twinkies,
soda, and junk food. At any state (under-weight, normal, over-weight, or obese) you can be
healthy, but you are at more risk with your health depending on weight.
Pollan reading the article “Food as Thought” will respond as a scientific theory on health
and diet may change a number of times before it is final, and even then, another theory may
come by and knock it off entirely. Statics and evidence is what really matters no suppositions
and theories, so the question is: what is healthy, and what is not? People like to think they are
incapable of being fit, or eating healthy. While they can say this all they want, it is no