Legislation forms a framework which all care homes must adhere to; this is carried out in many guises and includes many parliamentary acts such as human rights act 1998 and the mental health act 1993, these acts are designed to protect and promote rights and responsibilities of people within a care setting. There are also provisions under other acts to protect and ensure rights to specific group’s equal pay, sex discrimination, race relations and disability discrimination.
Government guidance states that all public authorities have an obligation to ensure that respect for human rights is at the centre of day to day work. This guidance covers drafting rules and regulations, internal staff and personnel issues, administration, decision making and drafting rules & regulations and policies.
Standard 40 of the National Minimum Standards for Care Homes for Adults (18–65) covers the need for care homes to have written policies, procedures and protocols in place, so that they comply with current legislation and professional standards, of promoting dignity, privacy, choice, respect, valuing equality and diversity, and independence.
Touchstones have a suite of policies and procedures in place for all important aspects of running the home, and providing the provision of care to residents. The manager is responsible for monitoring, reviewing and amending policies this is carried out yearly, he signs, dates and implements amendments as necessary to demonstrate compliance.
All new staff read and signs all policies and procedures complete a work book, giving examples of human rights and other parliamentary acts as part of the induction, plus are all offered to attend mandatory courses ensuring we are meeting equal opportunities and by using various forms of training