Assessment 2
Case Study Report
Due date: 8th April, 2013
18701 Certificate IV in Community Services 2013
Samuel Waldock
Student number: 367816562
Question 1: Identify the important laws and legal requirements that a community service worker needs to be aware of when working with clients in this scenario/situation. Briefly explain why they are important.
Section 21B – Compulsory school age
Section 22 – Compulsory schooling – duty of parents
Section 22 A - Obtaining information about children of compulsory school age
Section 20 – Assistance to government school children with special needs
The Education Act and its relevant sections are an important consideration as there are three children of school age in this family scenario.
CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS Care and Protection ACT 1998 No. 157 (NSW)
This Act provides the care and protection and the protection of service to, children and young persons. There are laws relating to Mandatory reporting as well as a legal obligation as a community service worker to make a report using the Mandatory reporting guide as a tool where there are indicators of abuse/neglect towards children/young persons, and/or a belief that a child/young person is at risk of significant harm (Class notes TAFE NSW 2013)
One of the clients is 14 years of age and has disclosed that she is pregnant. Is carnal knowledge a serious crime? That I would be, legally bound to report. Consult with my supervisor to determine action to be taken. (Class handout – TAFE NSW 2013)
PRIVACY ACT 1998 (Commonwealth No 119, 1998)
This ACT makes provisions to protect related purposes. There are certain types of information that are especially important to privacy: such as health or medical condition. This information is classed as sensitive information under the Privacy Act. The Act has provisions that sensitive