Section 2/Child Care
1. What are your Statutory and policy requirements for identifying observing and reporting young people at risk of harm?
- Observe
- Report to supervisor
- Report to child protection agency
- The legislation may vary from state to state and centre to centre.
2. What ethical obligations do you have as stated in the NCAC’s (National Childcare Accreditation System) QIAS (Quality Improvement and Accreditation System) principles, service/centre policy and procedures, service agreements, ECA (Early Childhood Australia) Code of Ethics, Child Care Regulations 2003?
- Maintaining privacy and confidentiality
- Providing high quality care
3. What legal instructions do child care workers need to be aware of an able to work with?
- Legislation
- Custody orders
4. What does “duty of care” mean? Give an example of how you fulfil your duty of care responsibilities.
- Awareness of your responsibilities and obligations that you have towards the children in your care
Eg: 1. Give them food on time
2. Give medication
3. Provide safe environment
5. How does the service protect the confidentiality of the children and family it cars for?
- Files should be kept in a lockable locked cupboard
- If computerised, computer is password protected
- Access to this information’s restricted only to authorised staff
6. Identify and discuss the key requirements of the service/centre policies and legislations that relate to the performance of your work role and where/how to access same.
- Privacy act
- Code of ethics
- Child care regulations