The NHS is the biggest publicly fundnstedividual with the persons records. Email policies also request that the form of communication should not replace face to face contact as it is still important to maintain personal relationships with colleagues.
Ethical issuesed health service in the world and prcompany email addresses as well as their access to the internet whilst in work, for example emails mustn't be used i
It is important for the NHS to comply with ethical legislation for example they must have strict policies regarding the use of email and internet. An email and internet policy details what employees can use theirto confidential details regarding patients of the NHS, this is also a legal issue. For this reason all employees of the NHS are required to sign a confidentiality contract upon their employment. ad of official ovides a national service for the UK. It has been noted as the most ef
In regards to the internet there are various rules in place to ensure, companies like the NHS cannot abuse the communication method or relay information unfairly. There is strict regulations regarding the nically employed.sharing of information on social networking sites when it comesficient of its kind and employs more than 1.7 million people, just under half of which are cli documents, in terms of the NHS this could relate to updating someone of a persons medical history rather than providing the in
Legal issues
As afore mentioned, the NHS operate in respect of the Data Protection Act 1998, in order to protect confidential information. Because of the nature of the service, the NHS often have to collect and store persoch it was collected and be protected from transfer out of the European Economic Area as the information is only protected within this. They are therefore within their rights to request relevant information.
Operational issues
The NHS has to collect and store various pieces of information in