Mary A. Cornwell
University of Phoenix
Enterprise Risk
Professor Boni Cherelle
November 3, 2008
The FastServe Inc is successful entrepreneurial endeavor that is poised for change. The management team must make changes to the organizational structure to bring about positive change that will enable the company’s continued growth. This paper will explore the changing state of business at FastServe Inc and the external forces will affect the enterprise.
In a table, identify, for each of the five candidates for dismissal, the key concepts of employment law that would affect his or her employment status. Be sure to cite the text as appropriate.
| | |The Reduction in Workforce | | |
| | |List | | |
|Carl Haimes |Brian Carter |Sarah Boyd |Nora Manson |Jenny Mills |
| Mr. Haimes is a good |Mr. Carter should be |Ms. Boyd’s layoff is |Ms. Manson is an able |Ms. Mills’s skills are |
|employee with good skills as|furloughed as his skills are|inevitable as the direction |negotiator. Her |non-critical to the |
|a systems analyst. He is |now redundant. Since he has |of the company has changed. |communication skills are |company’s future growth. |
|gay, and has been harassed |been a valued employee in |She has been a loyal |very important to the |With the organizational |
|by his supervisor. Because |the past, he should be |employee for many years and |company. Even though she |change taking place her |
|of his transferrable skills |offered outplacement |a generous
References: Baekdal, T., Hansen, K, (2006) Change Management Handbook, University Press Bell, S, (2006) Lean Enterprise Systems: Using IT for Continuous Improvement Chase, R.B, Jacobs, R Aquilano, N., (2006) Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Gomez-Mejia Luis R New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Hodgetts, R., Luthans, F., Doh, J (2005) International Management: Culture, Strategy and Behavior, New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Reed, L., Shedd, Morehead, J. & Corley, R. (2005), The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Mark A Cases and Materials on Employment Law, New York: Foundation Press Legal Issues in Reduction of Workforce” Simulation, University of Phoenix, accessed October, 14, 2008 Tague, Nancy R. (2004), the Quality Toolbox, ASQ Quality Press Turban Ephraim, Rainer Kelly R, retrieved October 27, 2008