Family Dispute Resolution is a process where people who are in conflict can be helped to communicate with each other about what is important for them and how to make decisions about resolving their dispute. Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) has now even been made compulsory, this means that people who wish to go to court to resolve disputed amongst their family whether this be in relation to their children, parenting matters, etc, they are now required to first attend Family Dispute Resolution, and be seen to make a genuine effort to resolve their disputes before attending court. Some exceptions apply for example if it is an urgent matter, family violence child abuse etc.
The FDR proccess is highly accessible to anyone, as well as meeting society's needs at the same time. The reason it is highly accessible is because it is affordable. Attending an FDR process saves a lot of more money than it would paying for a court hearing. The cost of FDR all depends on how much you earn. This process also ticks all the boxes in meeting society's needs, how, it is cheaper and quicker than the court process, it promotes co-operation and improves communication that can enhance ongoing relatiionships which can assist parenting and other relationships. The whole idea of the FDR process is to mediate, to communicate and to agree unlike a court room where it is like a huge argument against each other. The FDR also maintains an individuals control in the decision making process: there are no imposed decisions. There are many other great points about the FDR and how this definitely meets society's needs.
The enforceability to attend FDR is highly effective. To enforce this the government has made it so you can only apply to